Report Design

Example pages from the report

For the Yukon state of the environment report 2020 I created the visual report design and layout. With its 130 pages and five chapters the interactive PDF is compliant with the clients branding. To clearly distinguish one chapter from another I used colour coding throughout the pages. I adjusted most diagrams visually, highlighted some of the stats and numbers and edited pictures where necessary.

Client: Yukon Government – Department of Environment

Examplw pages from the report design

For their 25th Anniversary of the European Community Studies Association of Canada (ECSA-C) I made the report design / brochure layout. Alongside the overall layout I created a map of the European studies community in Canada as well as a timetable of ECSA-C’s previous conferences.

Client: ECSA-C & University of Victoria

Next to designing reports I also create layouts for books and brochures, magazines, flyer, poster, cards, exhibition materials and anything else that you can image putting into a layout.

Further Projects